Sunday, November 18, 2012


                                                   Inspired by the Heart of Darkness

From Kurtz's point of view

I was not immortal.
In my journey from birth to death
Death wasn’t too far
I could see it come; I could see the bonds fade away
I was hesitant, I was scared
I also tried to escape into the jungle
But I knew I could not escape it
No one can
I sat, I thought, I wondered
Why was it so hard for the soul to leave the body?
Why was it so hard to say goodbye?
I could clearly see an answer; my deeds….
The harder I think the darker it gets
Every thought of regret, inflates the burden of guilt
shouldn't have done this to her,

I know it’s coming to an end…..
I know I won’t be here for too long
It’s too late to regret, and it’s too hard to leave
I can feel her presence,
She's here to punish me for not being the loyal one

If Fate is getting what you deserve,
Then you deserve what you get
It’s time to pay back for my sins
For nothing in this world is free.
There, there I see them come, not too glad to see me
I feel a mysterious stillness, clinging into silence
& I feel the horror the terror, the terror the horror