Sunday, January 20, 2013

Life is beautiful...

Life is Beautiful

    I saw a homeless person today. It kept me wondering all day about how lucky I was and what a struggling but perfect life I had. All the questions that I had from life, got answers all of a sudden.

   Have you ever thought about this that we complain about or lives everyday.  Some of them involve complaining about friends, family, or our own selves. We complain about not being able to be successful. But most of the time we don't try hard enough to reach our goals. And we end up only complaining; complaining about people, about our job, about our spouses or about our significant otter. But, have you ever thought why you like or dislike someone? If you question yourself, 90% of the time the answer will be based on the role that person plays in your life. Lets be straight on the face without using any sophisticated language, if the person is useful to you in anyway you will say that he is a very nice person. When you expect from someone and when they meet to your expectations, they become a good person to you.

     It is your expectations are which make someone a good or a bad person. Once you stop expecting,  you will realize that you have started loving every person in your life. It won't matter if they do anything for you or not. Someone being good or bad to us is not in our control. All you can do is cherish the good memories, forget the bad one's and take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Because life comes with no guarantees, no timeouts and no second chances.

  Go tell someone what they mean to you because life is too short to wait for the right moment. And there's no time for drama. Live, Love, Laugh because you are a miracle. Only lucky ones survive, even at developmental levels. You were not only born; you also survived. Be thankful. Be humble. Be yourself because Life is Beautiful my friend, not everybody gets a chance to live it the way you are living it.

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